Monday, November 9, 2020

A Message To President-elect Biden

 To President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Harris...

I'm going to get straight to the point. Your election victory was a historic one for a number of reasons. A victory that doesn't happen without Black people. 

More people voted for your ticket than for any other ticket in American history. Black people did that. Your ticket won GA, a state no one would've predicted you'd win and one Barack Obama failed to win twice. Black people did that. Your victory in PA was critical to you winning the election. Black people did that.

Your victory is the result of hard work and effort by Black women and men in the trenches. Sisters, brothers, and kinfolk who had the foresight to realize that four more years of Trump would've been disastrous.

Mr. Biden. Mrs. Harris. YOU OWE US. You owe us big. You have an obligation to address the pressing needs of our community and to do so in a substantive fashion. Without us you have no power. 

Make good on your promises. Ignore the needs of our community at your own loss. Black people are not going to simply accept lip service this time. We are going to press. We are going to be vocal. We are going to lean on you. Should you ignore us you WILL lose your power and your party will crumble.

Do what you must during this lame duck period. Because come January 2021 it's time to go to work. And we're not taking any shorts this time. The streets are watching...