If you are a hardcore progressive or a hardcore conservative you should probably take this opportunity to stop reading and close this page.
Still reading? OK. I warned you....
Conservatives. I find it comical how many of you are suddenly anti-war. I find it hysterical how many of you are so concerned for innocent life. I find it laughable how many of you are suddenly a bunch of red palmed peaceniks. Just a few short years ago you were all so gung ho GI Joe. I remember how you guys rallied behind GWB in Iraq and Afghanistan. I remember how adamant you were about how we had to "teach Saddam a lesson". I remember how eager you were to rain hell on the middle east. I remember how any opposition to those wars was label unpatriotic, un-American, and even treasonous. I remember how any criticism of military action was labeled liberal pacifism. What a difference a decade and a President makes eh?
Progressives. I find it comical how many of you are suddenly pro-intervention. I find it hysterical how many of you readily support raining missiles on Syria. I find it laughable how many of you are suddenly more than willing to support waging war in the Middle East. Just a few short years ago you were all "No more War". I remember how adamant you were about how we should stay out of the middle east. I remember all kinds of talk about international law. I remember how any justification for military action in the middle east was labeled war mongering, war profiteering, and even treasonous. I remember how any support of military action was labeled conservative fascism. What a difference a decade and a President makes eh?
Partisan politics in many ways is like an infectious disease. It poisons the mind. It suppresses common sense and reason. It places party above all else. It causes normal people to abandon critical thinking and demands that they tow the party line. It is an echo chamber filled with hive minded drones who are incapable of thinking for themselves.
The Syrian debate highlights the hypocrisy that is partisan politics. We see hardcore progressives blindly supporting President Obama. We see hardcore conservatives blindly opposing him. They seem oblivious to their own hypocrisy. Either that or they simply don't care. It makes me wonder if they care at all the events taking place in Syria or if this is just another opportunity to cheer for the home team. It makes me wonder why any of them should be taken seriously.
It's clear that these hyper partisans are not truly passionate about the issue. They are passionate about their party's position on the issue. They are passionate about towing the party line and perpetuating the current party narrative. Syria is just another opportunity for many Americans to engage in the intoxicating sport of partisan politics. That to me is a shame. Because this is an important issue. More than we realize I think.
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