Respect Everyone. Thank you for reading. This is directed and those of you with families(which is pretty much all of you). I want you to picture something in your mind's eye. Imagine going to pick up your child from school. When you arrive at the school, imagine seeing police cars, flashing lights, and government vehicles and personnel. Imagine being told your child and several other children were taken at gunpoint by armed terrorists. Imagine receiving a phone call that your son or daughter, or your brother or sister was abducted while sitting in class. Now imagine that those who took your children announced your children would be sold into slavery and prostitution. Imagine the government and law enforcement being slow to act. Imagine it happening AGAIN just a few weeks later in a neighboring city where you live. Stop there and just think about how you'd feel.
That is how the families of nearly 250 girls in Nigeria feels. It was reported today that Boko Haram terrorists kidnapped 8 more girls ages 12-15 from their village. (Source: ). This is in the wake of Boko Haram kidnapping 234 girls from their school on April 14. This is an absolute catastrophe. There is no way to overstate how horrible this is. It is impossible to overstate how terrible this is. Yet for some reason, we have heard nothing from military leaders, political leaders, or the media. The only thing more outrageous to me about what has happened to these poor girls is how casually we've been ignoring it.
We constantly hear talk of fighting for freedom. We constantly hear talk of fighting injustice. We constantly hear talk of fighting oppression. So why the silence? Where is our outrage? Where is the media? You want me to be outraged over Iraq. Over Afghanistan. Over Benghazi. Where is your outrage over Boko Haram? Why isn't this story trending on Twitter? CNN had us chasing an airplane for weeks. Why isn't CNN chasing our girls? Fox wants us to mourn four dead Americans in Benghazi. Who mourns for nearly 250 lost girls?
The fact that we are so disconnected from what is happening in Nigeria is both sad and deeply troubling. What does it take for this story to take center stage? How many more girls? How long will military forces in Nigeria as well as around the world allow this to go on? When will top ranking Republicans and Democrats speak on this at length? When will the President?
Imagine these were your children. In your neighborhood. In your towns. Imagine terrorists running up into schools and neighborhoods snatching your seeds. Your sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, and cousins. Our collective silence on this is both shameful and disgusting. We should all be outraged right now. And I'm outraged that we are not.
Thank you for reading. Follow me on Twitter @DocSinn
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