I wanted to write today about something I've been thinking about. There is a saying. One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. Now I'm not sure I believe that or agree with that. But it's becoming clear to me that the American media does. At least the root premise of it anyway. I'm convinced of this. Case in point:
Just a few short years ago it was considered "patriotic" to resist big government tyranny. It was considered "patriotic" to stand up to a increasingly militarized police force and to challenge what was described as a near despotic government. It was considered to "patriotic" to form well regulated militias and to be prepared for armed resistance. Patriotic Americans walked through the streets armed with AR-15s, AK-74s, and other firearms in a brazen show of force. They carried antagonistic signs like "JUST TRY TO TAKE MY GUN" and "WE CAME IN PEACE....THIS TIME!!". At times, as in the case with Cliven Bundy, they even pointed their weapons at the federal government and law enforcement agents. These Americans were applauded for their "courage" and heralded as protectors and defenders of the Constitution. They were encouraged to resist the government and to fight if necessary. It was their right as Americans.
What's strange though is that I look at what is happening in Ferguson and NY and there is a very different narrative. In fact, it's almost the exact opposite. Those who are marching against militarized police and police brutality are labeled malcontents, trouble makers, and thugs. Non-compliance is no longer considered patriotic. It is considered criminal. Those who encouraged protestors armed with semi-automatic rifles are now criticizing and berating unarmed protestors. Those who once encouraged Americans to resist an increasingly militarized police force who were buying bullets and arms by the truckload are now telling others to obey and comply. What was once patriotic is now treasonous. Pointing a sniper rifle at a federal officer on the Bundy ranch? You're a patriot. Throwing a bottle at a military style Humvee in Ferguson? You are a thug, a criminal, and you belong in jail.
So it would appear, at least to me, that one man's patriot is another man's thug. What makes one action patriotic and another criminal? Obviously I have my ideas but I don't think I need to state them. Besides. I want to know what others think. I want to see how others rationalize this seemingly blatant double standard. When am I a thug? When am I a patriot? When do I get to protest? How am I supposed to protest? Why am I a patriot when I'm looking down the scope of a .308 but a criminal when I throw a brick at a window?
Just things that I'm thinking about.
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