Thursday, May 16, 2019

Stop It. You Are Not "Pro-Life"

Greetings Sisters, brothers, and kinfolk

Today I want to send a very clear and very direct message to those who feel compelled to defend the draconian, regressive, and barbaric abortion laws that were recently passed in Alabama and Georgia. I want them to know how I feel in no uncertain terms.

You are not "pro-life". Nothing about your position is "pro-life". Nothing you say or do suggests "pro-life". You seek to not only rob women of their autonomy but to ultimately rob people of their civil rights. I have a theory as to why you want this but I'll save that for another post. Suffice to say right now that your position is not about protecting life. It's not about protecting innocent unborn children. It's not about any of that bullshit. All of that is a lie. You are not pro-life. You know it. I know it.

I know it because I know that you're completely unwilling to do anything to aid that "innocent child". Nothing. You are not willing to contribute one cent to the prenatal care of the mother of that "innocent child". You are not willing to contribute one cent to make sure that child has even the most basic of needs. You don't even want your tax dollars, which you must pay regardless, going toward helping that child. You aren't willing to help that child eat. You aren't willing to help make sure that child has decent healthcare. You aren't even willing to help make sure that child has simple things like diapers or blankets. You have zero desire to assist in any way or contribute one shiny nickel toward that child's needs. You have zero desire to aid in that child's LIFE. You couldn't care less about the quality of that child's LIFE.

It goes even further beyond that. Because you're not even willing to invest time or emotional energy into that "innocent child". You're not going to mentor that innocent child. You're not going to help teach that child about love and community. You're not going to take time out to speak to that child. To share your life experiences and wisdom so that innocent child doesn't make poor choices. You're not going to embrace that child and help guide them in the right direction. Things that cost you nothing, save for time and compassion. But you're not even going to that. You don't give a shit about the trajectory of that child's LIFE. You have no interest in preparing that innocent child for LIFE in our society.

How do I know you're not going to do any of that shit? Because I hear you. Because I see you. I hear you when you whine about how your tax dollars are going to "lazy poor people". I see you when you look the other way when our "innocent children" fall victims to the many predators in our society. I see you when you ignore the needs of young people then blame them for what ails society. Again nothing you say or do suggests you give a damn about the LIFE of those innocent children you pretend to champion.

So stop it. Please. Stop saying you are pro-life. Call yourselves something else. Because you're not pro-life. You know it. I know it. We all know it. Stop the bullshit. Please and thank you.

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