Friday, August 28, 2020
Dick Gregory Was Right
Thursday, August 27, 2020
To Whom It May Concern...
To Whom It May Concern,
I do not write this in a threatening or intimidating fashion. This isn't tough talk or aggressive posturing or any of that. It is simply a point of fact.
Black people are watching. Closely. We are aware and we are tired. Please believe that those of us who are concerned about the current climate are preparing. We will have no intentions of being victims and we have no intentions of revisiting days gone that some of you consider to be great.
I think I speak for many of my kinfolk when I say we will respect everyone. But let me be clear: We will take care of the homefront. We will protect ourselves and our families. We will not suffer dehumanization or disrespect. At all.
I say this with no anger, malice, or hatred. Black people will do what we must. We always have. We always will. Please make a note of it.
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
I'm Tired...
Literally all we want is for police to stop shooting and killing unarmed and innocent Black people. That's it. That's literally all we asked for. For agents of the state to stop shooting and murdering unarmed Black civilians.
Instead we get an unarmed brother shot in the back seven times. We get a sister shot dead in her home as she slept. We get a sister shot dead through a window as police crept through her yard. We get a child shot dead sleeping on the couch. We get a child shot dead playing in the playground.
On top of that we get gaslighted and told that the shooting and/or killing of our unarmed kinfolk was justified. We watch as these murderers go unpunished. We are expected to accept it as we grieve the loss of our loved ones.
And you wonder why there is civil unrest. You wonder why people are in the streets. You wonder why there is protest. You wonder why buildings are on fire. It's because people are tired.
Enough is enough