Wednesday, September 30, 2020


 Donald Trump was thrown a very slow under hand softball. The kind you throw to small children who are first learning to hit. He was handed a bat a mile wide and given an eternity to swing. It was a pitch virtually impossible for him to miss. All he had to do was look at Chris Wallace and condemn white supremacy.

He couldn't do it. 

He couldn't because white nationalists and white supremacists are his most ardent and fervent supporters. He couldn't do it because that's his base. He couldn't and wouldn't do it because he relates to them as much as they relate to him. Instead of condemnation he sent a message that was so well received by white supremacists they publicly celebrated online. 

The discussion on who and what Trump is ended a long time ago. It can't get any clearer than this. It's time to stop playing in people's faces.

Thursday, September 24, 2020

The Simple Reminders

 *I needed a day to gather my thoughts. Had I said what I wanted to say in the moment...

So just so I understand...

Discharging your weapon into another apartment amounts to wanton endangerment. Discharging your weapon and killing an innocent Black woman in her sleep is standard operating procedure. 


I'm not surprised. It's not as if I needed another reminder of how this country views Black life. I'm angry though. It fortifies my position and belief that at the end of the day we must look after, provide for, and defend each other. We have no real allies that we can depend on and too many of us have become grifters who have sold their souls to become gatekeepers. 

So I remind my kinfolk to stay vigilant. Protect yourselves and your loved ones. Do what you must. Take pragmatic and clinical steps to ensure your health, wealth, and safety.

I don't believe in permanent allies. I don't even believe in permanent interests. I believe in my people. That which I do I do for me and mine. That's the long and short of it. These injustices are just simple reminders of the horrible naked truth of our existence. 

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

"He's No Hero"

I'm really trying to figure out what people are trying to say or attempting to accomplish when they talk about how not all Black people who are shot or violated by police are heroes. It's especially puzzling when they start citing their criminal records.

Do you all see how fucking ridiculous you look when you do this? Let me just clear a couple of things up. When we protest the unjust murder of a sister or brother we are not doing it to deify an individual. We are doing it to remind the rest of you that no one deserves to be unjustly murdered by agents of the state who are supposed to exist to serve and protect.

You see despite what some of you "law and order" types may think police are not judges, juries, and executioners. A DUI from 3 years ago isn't a death sentence.  A prior marijuana charge doesn't justify being shot to death.

Stop doing that shit please. If you love law and order as much as you pretend to then please remember that our civil and constitutional rights are inalienable. We protest and mourn our fallen because we know that could be any one of us. Regardless of our history. Whether or not they were "angels" is immaterial