Wednesday, September 30, 2020


 Donald Trump was thrown a very slow under hand softball. The kind you throw to small children who are first learning to hit. He was handed a bat a mile wide and given an eternity to swing. It was a pitch virtually impossible for him to miss. All he had to do was look at Chris Wallace and condemn white supremacy.

He couldn't do it. 

He couldn't because white nationalists and white supremacists are his most ardent and fervent supporters. He couldn't do it because that's his base. He couldn't and wouldn't do it because he relates to them as much as they relate to him. Instead of condemnation he sent a message that was so well received by white supremacists they publicly celebrated online. 

The discussion on who and what Trump is ended a long time ago. It can't get any clearer than this. It's time to stop playing in people's faces.

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