Like many of you I am overflowing with frustration and anger regarding the recent events in Baltimore. The death of Freddie Gray has garnered national attention and frustration turned to outrage as riots broke out within the city. There have also been many peaceful protests and many people including myself have written and spoken about this terrible tragedy. We are justifiably angry and we are rightfully speaking out.
That said, I want to take this opportunity to speak on something else as well. Many will question the timing of this but I've always been one to follow my heart and trust my instincts. I feel compelled to speak on this now so now is when I will speak. I want to speak about my sisters.
Black women continue to stand with brothers in solidarity and lend their voices and efforts in the fight for justice and equality. They speak loud and proud and walk in step with us as we march for freedom. They fight with us in the trenches. They hold us down and have our backs. They deserve our respect, our love, and our support and I must be painfully honest: They don't always get it. In fact, very often their efforts are taken for granted.
Black women suffer from this oppressive system the same as we do. They suffer from police brutality the same as we do. They deal with injustice the same as we do. Yet they don't always get the same level of support. We don't always go all in for our sisters. We aren't always there for them. That is a sad yet undeniable truth. They must also deal with misogyny. They must also deal with gender inequality. They must also deal with the many stereotypes society heaps on black women. Yet they are still out there. Marching. Speaking out. Fighting. Yet too often we are dismissive of their efforts and don't recognize the significance of their presence. That must change.
We need to go as hard for our sisters as we go for our brothers. We need to go as hard for our sisters as they go for us. We need to go as hard for Rekia Boyd as we did for Freddie Gray. We need to go as hard for Ayana Stanley-Jones as we did for Tamir Rice. We need to go as hard for Eleanor Bumpurs as we did for Walter Scott. We need to make sure we are going all in for them because they are going all in for us.
Black Lives Matter. That includes Black women. They are on the front lines with us. They are fighting with us. To my sisters who are out there, thank you. I am humbled and I appreciate everything you do. I have always stated and will continue to state that Black men and Black women are inextricably bound to each other. If we are to overcome injustice we will do so together.
So while we are speaking out about Freddie Gray, while we are remembering Ferguson and North Charleston, let us also remember our fallen sisters as well. Let's also pay respect to those who continue to stand up and lend their voices to the struggle. We need them. More than we know. Thanks for reading.
Following me on Twitter @DocSinn
Thursday, April 30, 2015
Monday, April 27, 2015
Riots: Understanding the Truth Behind Them
Baltimore is burning. Riots have broken out in the streets. We are all aware(or should be if we are not) of what is taking place. But in this blog posting I'm not going to talk about this particular riot or any particular riot. I want to talk about riots themselves. I want to speak about riots in general because many people seem confused as to what a riot is and what inspires them.
Throughout human history, in the absence of social justice, people have always taken to the streets. Riots in the face of injustice is nothing new. It happens globally and it has happened historically. "No justice, no peace" isn't simply a saying or a slogan or a rallying cry. It is an undeniable truth.
People don't just wake up in the morning and decide "I think I'll riot today." Riots take place in the absence of justice. When people feel that cannot and will not receive justice through the system you can bet that when tensions flare something is going to be set ablaze. You can bet something is going to be destroyed. It is the nature of humans and humanity.
A riot is the result of what happens when people cannot take a given situation anymore. A riot is what happens when people feel they have no other recourse. A riot is what happens when justice is gone. When hope is gone. When all there is left is anger and frustration. A riot is a reaction. It's what happens when people feel they have nothing left to lose.
When people collectively take to the streets it's because those people feel all else has failed. It is the purging of pent up anger, pain, and despair. Again humans don't just wake up and decide to riot. They don't say "Hey everybody! We are going to riot at 6pm! Be there!" No. It doesn't happen like that.
Injustice is the powder keg. A riot is the explosion. When people are rioting in the streets en masse it's because we have failed as a society. To focus on the riot itself is short sighted. To paraphase MLK "A riot is the outcry of the oppressed".
If you are one of those people who are going on about how "violence begets violence" or "violence solves nothing" or "why are they destroying their own neighborhoods" or anything similar, I must tell you that you are missing the point. It's time we shifted our focus on what inspires these acts and not just the acts themselves. It's time we learned from our history as human beings. Social injustice has always and WILL always lead to violence in the streets. That is the bottom line.
Follow me on Twitter @DocSinn
Throughout human history, in the absence of social justice, people have always taken to the streets. Riots in the face of injustice is nothing new. It happens globally and it has happened historically. "No justice, no peace" isn't simply a saying or a slogan or a rallying cry. It is an undeniable truth.
People don't just wake up in the morning and decide "I think I'll riot today." Riots take place in the absence of justice. When people feel that cannot and will not receive justice through the system you can bet that when tensions flare something is going to be set ablaze. You can bet something is going to be destroyed. It is the nature of humans and humanity.
A riot is the result of what happens when people cannot take a given situation anymore. A riot is what happens when people feel they have no other recourse. A riot is what happens when justice is gone. When hope is gone. When all there is left is anger and frustration. A riot is a reaction. It's what happens when people feel they have nothing left to lose.
When people collectively take to the streets it's because those people feel all else has failed. It is the purging of pent up anger, pain, and despair. Again humans don't just wake up and decide to riot. They don't say "Hey everybody! We are going to riot at 6pm! Be there!" No. It doesn't happen like that.
Injustice is the powder keg. A riot is the explosion. When people are rioting in the streets en masse it's because we have failed as a society. To focus on the riot itself is short sighted. To paraphase MLK "A riot is the outcry of the oppressed".
If you are one of those people who are going on about how "violence begets violence" or "violence solves nothing" or "why are they destroying their own neighborhoods" or anything similar, I must tell you that you are missing the point. It's time we shifted our focus on what inspires these acts and not just the acts themselves. It's time we learned from our history as human beings. Social injustice has always and WILL always lead to violence in the streets. That is the bottom line.
Follow me on Twitter @DocSinn
Friday, April 24, 2015
The Audacity of Creflo Dollar
Greetings readers. I'm sure by now you've heard about controversial pastor Creflo A. Dollar's 65 million dollar jet campaign. Now for those of you that haven't, Creflo Dollar wants his congregation(and pretty much anyone else foolish enough) to send him 65 million dollars so he can buy a brand new jet. Yes. A jet. I'm dead serious. In a recent sermon Creflo Dollar proclaimed that he had a dream. A dream that one day he would fly in a luxurious 65 million dollar jet on his congregation's dime. He even claimed that "The Devil" was trying to block his dream. I'm not kidding. Speaking as a brother who has seen and heard all manner of shit, I was dumbfounded.
We have now reached the point of no return. We have reached a point where a man has no qualms about asking you to send him 65 million dollars for a fucking JET and will actually get indignant and lose his shit if he doesn't get it promptly. Have we really made it that easy? Have we abandoned all sense and reason? This man wants 65 million. For a jet. A jet. He's actually whining because he hasn't gotten it yet. I mean how is Creflo Dollar not the Undisputed King of Douche Bags?
To me it's not even the fact that he's asking for money. I mean I get it. Asking for money is what these "prosperity" ministers do. It doesn't surprise me that yet another one is asking for money. But he wants this money for a jet. A damn jet. If vanity is a deadly sin then dare I say Creflo Dollar is in deep, deep trouble.
I mean think about what could be done with this money. Think about what he wants this money for. Not for a school. Or a grocery store in a struggling neighborhood. Or to build affordable housing. Or for a college fund for financially impaired students. He wants 65 million for a jet. And he's now whining about "The Devil" because he hasn't gotten it. How does this man get a pass ya'll?? How does he get away with this? Why are we not calling him out on this?
Think about something else. Think about how hard you have to grind just to earn a living. Think about what you have to go through to get a dollar. People are struggling to pay mortgages and rent. Struggling to put food on the table. Struggling to send their kids to college. Struggling to make ends meet. Yet here we have a greedy pastor already living high on the hog asking for even more money. Money that he will use to buy a lavish, expensive luxury item that most people wont be able to afford in their lifetime. An item that's all for him and no one else. It's beyond shameful.
Creflo Dollar's request is asinine. His monumental hubris is disgusting. This whole jet nonsense highlights everything that is wrong and immoral about these so called "prosperity" ministers. Dollar should be absolutely ashamed of himself....and he's not. That should bother you.
Follow me on Twitter @DocSinn
We have now reached the point of no return. We have reached a point where a man has no qualms about asking you to send him 65 million dollars for a fucking JET and will actually get indignant and lose his shit if he doesn't get it promptly. Have we really made it that easy? Have we abandoned all sense and reason? This man wants 65 million. For a jet. A jet. He's actually whining because he hasn't gotten it yet. I mean how is Creflo Dollar not the Undisputed King of Douche Bags?
To me it's not even the fact that he's asking for money. I mean I get it. Asking for money is what these "prosperity" ministers do. It doesn't surprise me that yet another one is asking for money. But he wants this money for a jet. A damn jet. If vanity is a deadly sin then dare I say Creflo Dollar is in deep, deep trouble.
I mean think about what could be done with this money. Think about what he wants this money for. Not for a school. Or a grocery store in a struggling neighborhood. Or to build affordable housing. Or for a college fund for financially impaired students. He wants 65 million for a jet. And he's now whining about "The Devil" because he hasn't gotten it. How does this man get a pass ya'll?? How does he get away with this? Why are we not calling him out on this?
Think about something else. Think about how hard you have to grind just to earn a living. Think about what you have to go through to get a dollar. People are struggling to pay mortgages and rent. Struggling to put food on the table. Struggling to send their kids to college. Struggling to make ends meet. Yet here we have a greedy pastor already living high on the hog asking for even more money. Money that he will use to buy a lavish, expensive luxury item that most people wont be able to afford in their lifetime. An item that's all for him and no one else. It's beyond shameful.
Creflo Dollar's request is asinine. His monumental hubris is disgusting. This whole jet nonsense highlights everything that is wrong and immoral about these so called "prosperity" ministers. Dollar should be absolutely ashamed of himself....and he's not. That should bother you.
Follow me on Twitter @DocSinn
Sunday, April 19, 2015
The Coon Exam
Have you ever been referred to as a "Coon"? Do people often complain about your "coonish" behavior? Are Uncles "Tom" and "Ruckus" often mentioned in the same sentences as you? Does it bother you? Are you not quite sure about where you stand? Do you feel you are being judged unfairly? Then take the Coon Exam! It's a brief, simple test that I've come up with to help you understand where stand and how people see you. It's easy and it's fun! Let's begin shall we?
1. When a Black person is unjustly assaulted by police you should....
A)Protest and speak out
B)Remind people that not all cops are bad
C)Stay quiet and thank the heavens it didn't happen to you
2. When a hate crime is committed against a Black person you should
A)Protest and speak out
B)Immediately comment about Black on Black Crime
C)Trick question. There is no such thing as a "Hate Crime"
3. For the most part Black Women are...
A)Beautiful and loving
B)Baby factories and welfare queens
C)Loud, Angry, and Annoying
4. For the most part Black Men are....
A)Strong and intelligent
B)Violent and angry
C)Thugs and Criminals
5. True or False: Racism is woven into the very fabric of American culture
C)Why must it always be about race?
6. How should we as Black people view slavery?
A)Slavery was a crime against humanity of genocidal proportions.
B)Slavery was like a jillion years ago. Get over it
C)We should disregard it. It's the twenty first century. There are no slaves now.
7. How should we as Black people view racism?
A)We must confront and combat racism in all it's forms on every front
B)Racism is never going away. We should just deal with it.
C)America is a free country. We live in a post racial society now. Racism is basically dead.
8. Fox News is....
A) A right wing propanda machine
B)Fair and balanced
C)A network unafraid to tell the gospel truth!
9. One of the many ways we can combat racism is by....
A)Speaking out and pushing back against societal stereotypes
B)Pulling our pants up, dressing better, stop listening to Hip Hop, get off welfare, etc...
C)Stop seeing it everywhere. If we just stop looking at it and pointing it out maybe it will go away...
10. How do identify yourself in terms of race?
A) I am a Black Man/Woman
B)I'm not sure
C)I don't identify as "Black". I don't see "Color"
See how easy that was? Be sure to share your results with your neighbors, coworkers, family, and friends. The Coon Exam is a quick and easy way to help you understand whether or not you are a self loathing, apologetic coon! It's fast, easy, and fun. Thanks for reading everyone!!
-Follow me on Twitter @DocSinn
1. When a Black person is unjustly assaulted by police you should....
A)Protest and speak out
B)Remind people that not all cops are bad
C)Stay quiet and thank the heavens it didn't happen to you
2. When a hate crime is committed against a Black person you should
A)Protest and speak out
B)Immediately comment about Black on Black Crime
C)Trick question. There is no such thing as a "Hate Crime"
3. For the most part Black Women are...
A)Beautiful and loving
B)Baby factories and welfare queens
C)Loud, Angry, and Annoying
4. For the most part Black Men are....
A)Strong and intelligent
B)Violent and angry
C)Thugs and Criminals
5. True or False: Racism is woven into the very fabric of American culture
C)Why must it always be about race?
6. How should we as Black people view slavery?
A)Slavery was a crime against humanity of genocidal proportions.
B)Slavery was like a jillion years ago. Get over it
C)We should disregard it. It's the twenty first century. There are no slaves now.
7. How should we as Black people view racism?
A)We must confront and combat racism in all it's forms on every front
B)Racism is never going away. We should just deal with it.
C)America is a free country. We live in a post racial society now. Racism is basically dead.
8. Fox News is....
A) A right wing propanda machine
B)Fair and balanced
C)A network unafraid to tell the gospel truth!
9. One of the many ways we can combat racism is by....
A)Speaking out and pushing back against societal stereotypes
B)Pulling our pants up, dressing better, stop listening to Hip Hop, get off welfare, etc...
C)Stop seeing it everywhere. If we just stop looking at it and pointing it out maybe it will go away...
10. How do identify yourself in terms of race?
A) I am a Black Man/Woman
B)I'm not sure
C)I don't identify as "Black". I don't see "Color"
See how easy that was? Be sure to share your results with your neighbors, coworkers, family, and friends. The Coon Exam is a quick and easy way to help you understand whether or not you are a self loathing, apologetic coon! It's fast, easy, and fun. Thanks for reading everyone!!
-Follow me on Twitter @DocSinn
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
Gun Fodder
In yet another case of excessive use of force another black man was shot dead by police in North Charleston, SC. Officer Michael Slager was caught on video fatally shooting Walter L. Scott in the back as he fled. Here is a link to a related story:
I have become weary of these stories. My patience for this sadistic nonsense is exhausted. I am tired of this bullshit. I'm also tired of people acting shocked and astonished when this shit happens. Black people have become gun fodder for racist and trigger happy police. It's become commonplace. What's more, we've sent a clear message to our oppressors that killing us is permissible.
We've reached a point where they are killing us ON VIDEO. We are literally watching our sons, daughters, fathers, mothers, and brothers die right in front of us. Yet far too many of us still cling to the delusions of society and refuse to accept America as she exists. Even being slaughtered in the street isn't enough to spur many of us into action.
You know the drill. A black man or woman is killed on camera in broad daylight. Almost immediately some coon will appear on Fox News and explain why it was not only the victims fault, but our fault collectively as a people. Comfortable "famous" negroes will also chime in and remind us that if we just pulled our pants up, stop having babies out of wedlock, and stop listening to Hip Hop then maybe the police wouldn't murder us in cold blood. These high profile coons will use their profile to drown out the outrage of the grassroots.
Not only that but at some point someone will start a "Go Fund Me" for the police officer. In what can only be described as bizarre and sociopathic, people will victimize the police officer and demonize the victim. Unarmed victims shot multiple times and left to bleed out and die in the street will be labeled thugs and criminals and trigger happy police officers will be labeled peace keepers who were frightened and fighting for their lives.
Why are we surprised? Not only is killing our people encouraged, it's rewarded. Why are we still appealing to the morality of those who kill us? When will we push back? When will we fight back? How many of us have to die? How many cops have to walk?People can pretend it isn't what it is. We can keep lying to ourselves. We can keep pretending we live in a post racial society. We can keep pretending American law enforcement isn't corrupt and filled with armed sociopaths. But the truth is right in front of us. We are gun fodder. Like it or not. Accept it or not.
I have become weary of these stories. My patience for this sadistic nonsense is exhausted. I am tired of this bullshit. I'm also tired of people acting shocked and astonished when this shit happens. Black people have become gun fodder for racist and trigger happy police. It's become commonplace. What's more, we've sent a clear message to our oppressors that killing us is permissible.
We've reached a point where they are killing us ON VIDEO. We are literally watching our sons, daughters, fathers, mothers, and brothers die right in front of us. Yet far too many of us still cling to the delusions of society and refuse to accept America as she exists. Even being slaughtered in the street isn't enough to spur many of us into action.
You know the drill. A black man or woman is killed on camera in broad daylight. Almost immediately some coon will appear on Fox News and explain why it was not only the victims fault, but our fault collectively as a people. Comfortable "famous" negroes will also chime in and remind us that if we just pulled our pants up, stop having babies out of wedlock, and stop listening to Hip Hop then maybe the police wouldn't murder us in cold blood. These high profile coons will use their profile to drown out the outrage of the grassroots.
Not only that but at some point someone will start a "Go Fund Me" for the police officer. In what can only be described as bizarre and sociopathic, people will victimize the police officer and demonize the victim. Unarmed victims shot multiple times and left to bleed out and die in the street will be labeled thugs and criminals and trigger happy police officers will be labeled peace keepers who were frightened and fighting for their lives.
Why are we surprised? Not only is killing our people encouraged, it's rewarded. Why are we still appealing to the morality of those who kill us? When will we push back? When will we fight back? How many of us have to die? How many cops have to walk?People can pretend it isn't what it is. We can keep lying to ourselves. We can keep pretending we live in a post racial society. We can keep pretending American law enforcement isn't corrupt and filled with armed sociopaths. But the truth is right in front of us. We are gun fodder. Like it or not. Accept it or not.
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