Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Gun Fodder

In yet another case of excessive use of force another black man was shot dead by police in North Charleston, SC.   Officer Michael Slager was caught on video fatally shooting Walter L. Scott in the back as he fled.   Here is a link to a related story:

I have become weary of these stories.  My patience for this sadistic nonsense is exhausted.  I am tired of this bullshit. I'm also tired of people acting shocked and astonished when this shit happens. Black people have become gun fodder for racist and trigger happy police. It's become commonplace. What's more, we've sent a clear message to our oppressors that killing us is permissible.

We've reached a point where they are killing us ON VIDEO. We are literally watching our sons, daughters, fathers, mothers, and brothers die right in front of us. Yet far too many of us still cling to the delusions of society and refuse to accept America as she exists. Even being slaughtered in the street isn't enough to spur many of us into action.

You know the drill. A black man or woman is killed on camera in broad daylight. Almost immediately some coon will appear on Fox News and explain why it was not only the victims fault, but our fault collectively as a people. Comfortable "famous" negroes will also chime in and remind us that if we just pulled our pants up, stop having babies out of wedlock, and stop listening to Hip Hop then maybe the police wouldn't murder us in cold blood. These high profile coons will use their profile to drown out the outrage of the grassroots.

Not only that but at some point someone will start a "Go Fund Me" for the police officer. In what can only be described as bizarre and sociopathic, people will victimize the police officer and demonize the victim. Unarmed victims shot multiple times and left to bleed out and die in the street will be labeled thugs and criminals and trigger happy police officers will be labeled peace keepers who were frightened and fighting for their lives.

Why are we surprised? Not only is killing our people encouraged, it's rewarded. Why are we still appealing to the morality of those who kill us? When will we push back? When will we fight back? How many of us have to die? How many cops have to walk?
People can pretend it isn't what it is.  We can keep lying to ourselves.  We can keep pretending we live in a post racial society.  We can keep pretending American law enforcement isn't corrupt and filled with armed sociopaths.  But the truth is right in front of us.  We are gun fodder.  Like it or not.  Accept it or not. 

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