Thursday, April 30, 2015

Black Women's Lives Matter Too: Something We Sometimes Forget

Like many of you I am overflowing with frustration and anger regarding the recent events in Baltimore.  The death of Freddie Gray has garnered national attention and frustration turned to outrage as riots broke out within the city.  There have also been many peaceful protests and many people including myself have written and spoken about this terrible tragedy.   We are justifiably angry and we are rightfully speaking out.

That said, I want to take this opportunity to speak on something else as well.  Many will question the timing of this but I've always been one to follow my heart and trust my instincts.   I feel compelled to speak on this now so now is when I will speak.  I want to speak about my sisters. 

Black women continue to stand with brothers in solidarity and lend their voices and efforts in the fight for justice and equality.   They speak loud and proud and walk in step with us as we march for freedom.  They fight with us in the trenches.  They hold us down and have our backs.   They deserve our respect, our love, and our support and I must be painfully honest:  They don't always get it.  In fact, very often their efforts are taken for granted.

Black women suffer from this oppressive system the same as we do.  They suffer from police brutality the same as we do.  They deal with injustice the same as we do.  Yet they don't always get the same level of support.  We don't always go all in for our sisters.  We aren't always there for them.  That is a sad yet undeniable truth.  They must also deal with misogyny.  They must also deal with gender inequality.  They must also deal with the many stereotypes society heaps on black women.  Yet they are still out there.  Marching.  Speaking out.  Fighting.  Yet too often we are dismissive of their efforts and don't recognize the significance of their presence.  That must change.

We need to go as hard for our sisters as we go for our brothers.   We need to go as hard for our sisters as they go for us.  We need to go as hard for Rekia Boyd as we did for Freddie Gray.  We need to go as hard for Ayana Stanley-Jones as we did for Tamir Rice.   We need to go as hard for Eleanor Bumpurs as we did for Walter Scott.  We need to make sure we are going all in for them because they are going all in for us.

Black Lives Matter.  That includes Black women.  They are on the front lines with us.  They are fighting with us.  To my sisters who are out there, thank you.  I am humbled and I appreciate everything you do.  I have always stated and will continue to state that Black men and Black women are inextricably bound to each other.  If we are to overcome injustice we will do so together. 

So while we are speaking out about Freddie Gray, while we are remembering Ferguson and North Charleston, let us also remember our fallen sisters as well.  Let's also pay respect to those who continue to stand up and lend their voices to the struggle.  We need them.  More than we know.  Thanks for reading.

Following me on Twitter @DocSinn


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