Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Brothers and Sisters. Protect Yourselves. At all costs

I was asked not to write this blog after I shared with someone close to me what I intended to write.  I was told it was divisive.  I was told it was dangerous.  I was told that it could even potentially get me into trouble.  While I care very much for the people that I build with and I respect their opinions, I am going to write this.  I'm going to say this.  What's more I hope that every black man and woman in America heeds my advice.

I want brothers and sisters to understand something.  The very real possibility exists that George Zimmerman will be acquitted.  It is very possible that Trayvon Martin's death will go unpunished and his killer will walk out of that court room a free man.  If that happens, I DONT want black men and women to riot.  I don't want them to destroy property.  I don't want them to wild out in the streets.  What I want simply is for every black man and woman in America to exercise their Second Amendment rights and arm themselves.  That's right, I'm telling you that if Zimmerman gets acquitted you need to strap up. 

Now this is NOT a call to arms.  I am not advocating violence.  I am not proposing that brothers and sisters start shooting up neighborhoods.  Not at all.  I am saying protect yourself.  I am saying do what you must to stay alive because in my view a George Zimmerman acquittal confirms that in America a black man or woman does not possess equal rights under the law.  In my view, it says that in America a grown man, who is not a police officer or appointed peace keeper, can stalk a teenage boy, shoot him dead, and claim self defense.  A Zimmerman acquittal says that anytime someone doesn't recognize you outside of your neighborhood(or even inside your neighborhood) they can take it upon themselves to stop and forcibly detain you and if you don't comply they can shoot you and claim self defense.  It says no black man or woman is safe on the street.

Sounds extreme?  Then ask yourself:  When was the last time you recall hearing about a white teen killed by police?  Or shot dead walking home because someone THOUGHT he looked suspicious? Did we get justice for Rekia Boyd?  Did we get justice for Jordan Davis?  Did we get justice for Chavis Carter?  Why should we expect justice for Trayvon Martin?  Think about it.  Be honest with yourself.

No.  I say exercise your Second Amendment rights while you still can.  Arm yourself.  If someone approaches you, don't hesitate to protect yourself any way you can.  The law is not going to protect you.  The police are not going to help you.  The courts will not grant you justice.  In the streets, you are all you have.  Your life is precious.  Don't just give it up.  You owe it to yourself to stay alive.

If the Tea Party can arm themselves to protect themselves from the government and then so can the black man in America.  If NRA supporters, hunters, and pro gun advocates can arm themselves then so can the black man.  In fact, we have more at stake.  It's not Tea Partiers, NRA supporters and hunters dying in the streets.  It's young black men.

We cannot allow ourselves to become fodder for those who would kill us dead without thought or hesitation.  Protect yourself.  Do what you have to do.  Yesterday it was Trayvon.  Tomorrow it could be your son.  Tomorrow it could be you.  Especially if Zimmerman walks free. 

Judged by twelve.  Carried by six.  I'll take the former.....

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