Listen to George Zimmerman supporters when they speak. Just stop and listen. Frustrating isn't it? I know. Ever wonder why they say what they say? Why they take the stance they take? It's simple really. So simple that it's frightening. Frightening because to accept the logic of a Zimmerman supporter is to accept the concept and idea that the life of a young black man means virtually nothing. Yes, you read that right. In the eyes of Zimmerman supporters young black males are angry, vicious, violent animals and people should be allowed to do whatever is necessary to "protect themselves" from what they view as these degenerate thugs.
Again listen to GZ supporters when they speak. Pay attention to what they say. In the minds of GZ supporters a young black youth has no rights. If you are a young black male, at any given time you are a suspect. At any given time you can be followed and detained. By anyone. Not just law enforcement. Anyone. As a young black male you are obliged to stop and comply with the demands of any shmuck who chooses to follow you. You may not protect yourself if you feel afraid. You may not protect yourself if you feel threatened. Stand Your Ground does not apply to you. You are a thug. A suspect. A degenerate. An animal. You will comply with whomever decides to stop and pursue you. Should you feel fearful and decide to fight back that person has the right to kill you and then claim self defense. You have no rights that anyone is obliged to respect.
Don't believe me? Why do you think people are calling Trayvon's character into question? Why are we talking about school expulsions and marijuana use? That's like asking a rape victim if she is promiscuous. Why bring Trayvon's character into question at all? Because in the minds of Zimmerman's supporters there is only one type of young black man. The angry, gang banging, gun toting, rap music listening, weed smoking, baby mama making thug who would just as soon snatch your wallet as look at you. It doesn't matter that despite recreational marijuana use(which more than half the country is guilty of) and issues in school(which many kids of all races experience) that Trayvon doesn't fit that profile. Zimmerman supporters will make him fit. In their minds, Trayvon is just another angry black thug who had it coming and nothing you can say to them will make them think otherwise.
Now here is what is really disturbing. If Zimmerman walks(which is a very real possibility) then it will confirm that this is what the majority of Americans think when they look at young black men. It's disturbing to me and it should be disturbing to any black father with a son. It will send the clear message that in the eyes of America, your son is street trash at best and gun fodder at worst.
I've stopped talking to GZ supporters. Largely because I know how they think. In their minds, there is only one type of young black man. In their minds, young black men have no rights. In their minds, whatever happens to a young black man is justified, no matter how wicked or unjust the action. In the minds of Zimmerman supporters our sons are fodder, unworthy of love, respect or the basic dignity that all human beings demand.
So now I just respond to Zimmerman supporters with just two words: Fuck you. God forbid something ever happen to my son. It will be me on trial....
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