I'm old school. I don't hide that. I'm pretty proud of it in fact. I'm not an old man(well I am if you let my kids tell it). But I'm not a young cub either. Being old school, I am a huge fan of Chuck D. Public Enemy really had a profound effect on me as a young man. As I sit and build on this rather humid day I recall something Chuck said in a song called "Welcome to the Terrordome". It was rather simple. He said, quite plainly, "Every brother aint a brother". It was simple, yet it was quite profound and unapologetically honest. It's on my mind now because in the aftermath of the George Zimmerman trial, those words ring as true as the day they were spoken. After recent discussions with many of my brothers and sisters its clear that there will always be apologists within the black community. No matter what happens to us, there will always be many among us who offer absolution to those who trespass against us. It's true. It's always been true. It's always going to be true.
Consider this. We all claim to love and honor MLK. But when MLK walked the earth many of the black Americans he was marching and fighting for criticized him and even went as far as to disassociate themselves from the Civil Rights movement. Now that he is dead, it is easy for many of us to embrace his effort. But when he lived many wanted nothing to do with Martin. Same with Malcolm X. Sure we all love Malcolm now. But how many of us disassociated ourselves with Malcolm when he walked the earth? Many of the black Americans Malcolm gave his life for criticized and openly spoke out against him and his efforts. The truth is there will always be brothers and sisters who actions are contradictory to their own interests, welfare, and well being.
There are brothers and sisters who refuse to identify with their ancestry. There are brothers and sisters who are invested in white supremacy. Whatever the reason on the surface, all of these roads lead back to the self hatred that was instilled into us as a people through years of slavery and oppression. After all these centuries, we are still a race of house negroes and field negroes. It is a sad truth of our current existence.
We need to do what Malcolm did. What Martin did. We need to trim the fat. We need to remind America that these Toms, Apologists, and Self Hating Agents do not speak for us no matter how loud they might be. If they don't want to fight, then to hell with them. We don't need people on the field who don't want to fight.
What's more, we have an obligation to call these people to the carpet. We cannot allow anyone to be fooled into believing that they are the voice of our people. It doesn't matter their social or financial status. It doesn't matter their occupation or level or education. It doesn't matter if they are musicians or politicians or athletes or any of the positions we revere in society. We can't allow apologists to become the voices of the people. If we do, all progress will be lost.
Every brother aint a brother. Every sister aint a sister. Do not allow some of our less enlightened brothers and sisters placate you and lull you into an apathetic funk.
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